Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Debate: Romney Told 24 Myths In 41 Minutes | Alternet

Debate: Romney Told 24 Myths In 41 Minutes | Alternet

Obama Vanquishes Romney With 5 Brutal Quips | Alternet

Obama Vanquishes Romney With 5 Brutal Quips | Alternet

Ass Kicking is what I call it...

Romney-linked Voting Machine Company Will Count Votes in Ohio and Other Crucial Swing States | Alternet

Romney-linked Voting Machine Company Will Count Votes in Ohio and Other Crucial Swing States | Alternet

In that election, as I report in “ Boss Rove ,” Democrat John Kerry had a 4.2 percent lead in the exit polls in Ohio, which would have given him the presidency. George W. Bush won the state by more than two points, however, and, as a result, kept the White House. But a civil suit subsequently alleged that the Ohio results were fraudulent because the Republican Secretary of State of Ohio, Ken Blackwell, contracted with SmarTech, a Tennessee-based tech firm indirectly tied to Karl Rove, to serve as the “failover” site for election results in Ohio on Election Night.

Hall of Fame catcher Fisk charged with DUI in Ill. - MyVerizon.com

Hall of Fame catcher Fisk charged with DUI in Ill. - MyVerizon.com

8,000 Attend Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel Public Grand Opening!

GoPro F18 Fighter Jet

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Big & Rich - 8th Of November (Video)

You have to watch & share this new @votevets ad, taking on extreme conservative @jeffflake’s anti-vet record #AZSEN

You have to watch & share this new @votevets ad, taking on extreme conservative @jeffflake’s anti-vet record #AZSEN: VoteVets.org is the first Veterans group to file an amicus brief to the appeals court in Ohio arguing that early voting in the state should remain open for all voters, including Ohio’s over 900,000 Veterans. Right now, the court is hearing a case which may end early voting, the weekend before Election Day, in the state. We wanted you to be among the first to see the brief, and ask for your help.

The Hunted and the Hated: An Inside Look at the NYPD's Stop-and-Frisk Po...

Woman At VP Debate Calls Obama A Communist

New Rules with Bill Maher 12 October 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

ThinkProgress Will Liveblog Tonight’s Vice Presidential Debate

ThinkProgress Will Liveblog Tonight’s Vice Presidential Debate: pThinkProgress will live blog tonight’s vice presidential debate, starting at 8:45 PM. Stay tuned for our reporting and real-time fact checking. But as we wait for Vice President Joe Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan to take the stage, here is what everyone needs to know about tonight’s main event. The Liveblog is live HERE./p

10 things to watch in tonight’s Biden-Ryan debate

10 things to watch in tonight’s Biden-Ryan debate

Elizabeth Warren: All of our daughters