To balance the picture a bit, I wanted to take a fact-based look at 20 things the poor do on a daily basis…
1. Search for affordable housing. 2. Try to make $133 worth of food last a whole month. 3. Subsist on poor quality food. 4. Skip a meal. 5. Work longer and harder than most of us. 6. Go to bed 3 hours before their first job starts. 7. Try to avoid getting beat up by someone they love. 8. Put themselves in harm’s way, only to be kicked to the streets afterward.
1 comment:
To balance the picture a bit, I wanted to take a fact-based look at 20 things the poor do on a daily basis…
1. Search for affordable housing.
2. Try to make $133 worth of food last a whole month.
3. Subsist on poor quality food.
4. Skip a meal.
5. Work longer and harder than most of us.
6. Go to bed 3 hours before their first job starts.
7. Try to avoid getting beat up by someone they love.
8. Put themselves in harm’s way, only to be kicked to the streets afterward.
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