Friday, May 27, 2016

Why America is NOT the greatest country in the world, anymore.

Why America is NOT the greatest country in the world, anymore.


Rixar13 said...

Huck Fillary & Donald T Drumph, Senior Veteran for #Bernie2016 or Bust.

Rixar13 said...

Tampa Bay Times → Letters - Richard E. Oliver, St. Petersburg
Clinton sets own standers
Pete Rose knowingly broke the rules. No Hall of Fame for him. Barry Bonds knowingly broke the rules. No Hall of Fame for him either.
Hillary Clinton knowingly broke the rules.
Why are there higher standards for baseball than for the presidency?
To look at it another way, Clinton knew the rules and chose to ignore them. Donald Trump has no clue about rules. So those are the choices. Sounds like it is time for a Congress that rediscovers the checks and balances by our Constitution.
This reminds me of the line from a Marx Brothers movie. "Standards? Those are my standers. If you don't like those I have others!"